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Tag: "atrazine safety"

Study shows atrazine poses no cancer risk in drinking water

Study shows atrazine poses no cancer risk in drinking water

[ 0 ] February 8, 2013

A new report in the March 2013 issue of European Journal of Cancer Prevention states atrazine appears to be a good candidate for a category of herbicides with a probable absence of cancer risk. The authors, Boffetta et. al, recommend that atrazine continue to be treated for regulatory and public health purposes as an agent […]

European Journal of Cancer Prevention

Report finds no causal association between atrazine and cancer

[ 0 ] September 6, 2012

Abstract from the European Journal of Cancer Prevention: …We reviewed the Environmental Protection Agency and Panel reports in the context of all the epidemiologic studies on the specific cancers of interest. A weight-of-evidence approach leads to the conclusion that there is no causal association between atrazine and cancer and that occasional positive results can be […]


Sex changes and EPA wrapped up in atrazine war

[ 0 ] February 23, 2012

From Western FARM PRESS: Darnell the frog is the champion of the anti-atrazine crowd. Darnell is an ex-male that became partially female and got cross-wired or something to that effect. A hemaphrodite, transgendered frog with high-pitched croaks — maybe that’s a more politically correct description and about as clear as mud… …The atrazine hysteria doesn’t […]