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Archive for March, 2010

frivolous atrazine class action

Another Frivolous Atrazine Class Action Lawsuit Only Harms U.S. Farmers

[ 0 ] March 9, 2010

From Reeg Lawyers, LLC: After plaintiffs’ attorneys filed a federal lawsuit Monday in the Southern District of Illinois, Kurtis B. Reeg, attorney for defendant Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc., said another frivolous atrazine lawsuit only harms U.S. farmers. “In these tough economic times, one may wonder why anyone  – other than class action lawyers – would […]

atrazine_safe & effective

Weight of evidence supports safety and economic benefits of atrazine

[ 0 ] March 2, 2010

From Syngenta Crop Protection: Based on the weight of evidence of more than 6,000 studies, scientists around the world have shown that atrazine is safe to use – providing farmers an important tool to bring us safe, abundant and nutritious food. A recent study on frog development runs counter to the vast majority of scientific […]